Andrew Bird

It had been a few years since I had sat down and really listened to Andrew Bird, so I had forgotten just how wonderful he is. His most recent album "Armchair Apocrypha" came out in March of this year, but I didn't run out and pick it up because I was always just a casual listener. Fate stepped in to kick my butt though, as Magnet Magazine sent me a notice that my subscription was about to run out and if I renewed I had a choice of one of 8 albums they were making available that month. One of those was Armchair Apocrypha...this made my decision to renew all the easier for me.
I didn't get to actually listen to the album until last night though, but wow. I am thoroughly impressed and have remembered all the pleasures of listening to his music. It's rock music, but soft and unobtrusive, and most importantly...has amazing lyrics. His lyrics are beautiful because of their creativity and literary qualities. There is definitely something philosophical yet everyday about them. He makes keen perceptions about life that make you say "wow, he's right", or he makes you smile by word usage or his outlook on life. It's like your favorite passage from one of your favorite author's, except it's a song. His voice isn't half bad either.
Labels: Andrew Bird, rock