Deb Talan

I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday and is enjoying what is left of 2006. I thought I'd try to write a last little something before the year came to a close, but things are just so busy...but I do have a quick something to mention.
One album I got for Christmas this year was "Say I Am You" by The Weepies. It was being talked up all over the blogopsphere within the last year and I loved what I heard of it. Their song "Gotta Have You" is great, I wanted more. I got a few tracks from eMusic and decided I really wanted to own the album.
Before I had ever heard of The Weepies, I had heard of Deb Talan. It seems that as a group they are much better known that her as a solo artist, but I just happened upon her music one day and was taken by her song "Unravelling", which, I highly recommend if you get the chance. The Weepies and Deb's music is very much in the line of typical folk music. It has a nice melody, a gentle delivery and is lyrics driven. This is definitely my cup of tea and so The Weepies and Deb's music is something that hits home with me.
Deb is originally a New England girl and attended Brown University and then moved on to Portland when she started pursuing her music and teamed up with her Weepies musical partner Steve Tannen. Deb's website offers one free track, enjoy!
- Deb Talan - "Tell Your Story Walking"